When asked, which of our "K.E.E." values are the most important,
(Our core "K.E.E." values, as our Designation Holder Family knows, stand for K- Knowledge/ E- Experience/ E- Ethics), I, without hesitation, say, "Ethics", of course.
You can have knowledge and experience, but not ethics, and your clients are not going to be well served. In fact, that agent will be more apt to serve themselves than their client.
Over the course of my career, I have seen agents with many years of experience and a tremendous amount of knowledge, that only cared about the number of sales they made. They were more interested in making money than serving their clients ethically and professionally.
Let it be known...Certified Medicare Insurance Plannerâ„¢, DBA, does not want to associate with these kind of agents. We want the agent that not only has the knowledge and experience necessary to qualify for one of our designations, but is also guided by ethical principles and behavior.
Certified Medicare Insurance Planner™, DBA, insists that agents with a CMIP®, CMIS™, or CMIR™ designation, maintain higher ethical standards than your average Medicare Advantage agent. We want agents that would rather walk away from a sale, than make a sale unethically. If this describes you, then we want you to join our family. If not, then please, do not bother.
As CMIPs, CMISs, and CMIRs, if you know of any agent with one of our designations, that you believe has acted unethically, or unprofessionally, please send us an e-mail describing the event time and place, name of the agent, along with the facts. We will investigate your concerns. And yes, you can remain anonymous.
On the other hand, if you know of an agent that has high ethical standards, and qualifies for our one of our designations, please speak to them about joining our Family.
Thank you, Family! Thank you for striving to be the best you can be for yourself, your family, your clients, and humanity.
Thank you for all that you do!
Kevin Firth, President
Certified Medicare Insurance Plannerâ„¢, DBA